Palomar Qyag Q-YAG-5 q-switched Nd:YAG 1064nm system ~ Parts Only ~

Palomar Qyag Q-YAG-5 q-switched Nd:YAG 1064nm system ~ Parts Only ~

$4,995 (USD)

+ Shipping Cost

Location:Edina, MN


MFG: Palomar

MODEL: Q-YAG-5 q-switched Nd:YAG 1064nm system

DOM: April, 2003

Includes: Multi-spot size Hand Piece( 2, 4, 6 MM) , Foot Switch, Cart, Key, Power cords, Eye wear and Manual

Condition: Machine has zero head room and is being sold for parts only. The key is broken off in the ignition as well. Machine turns

on and runs properly aswell as fires, but it has no life left in the laser head. 

Indications: Tattoo removal and Pigmented Lesions

Product Notes: The Q-YAG 5™ features dual wavelengths (1064 and 532 nm), and allows you to select 1064 

individually or blend both wavelengths into a mixed-wavelength beam. The 1064 nm wavelength is ideal 

for treating darker tattoo inks and dermal pigmented lesions, while the mixed 1064/532 wavelength is 

better suited for brighter colored inks and epidermal pigmented lesions. Unlike many competing lasers, all 

laser components are contained within the Q-YAG’s handpiece. This eliminates the alignment problems 

associated with other systems and allows a more compact design.

Technical Specifications: Wavelength: 1064 nm / 532 nm (mixed wavelengths) and 1064 nm

Spot Size:2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm


Up to 12.5 J/cm2

Pulsewidth 3 +/- 1 ns

Pulse Rate

Shortest available pulse duration (2.5 ns) for highest peak power which is what is needed for tattoo ink

Modular design for maximum mobility

Note: We have no affiliation to Palomer Systems. This is being sold by Midwest Medical LLC. Edina, MN 55435


ModelQyag 5